31 Dec

Level 3 Art and Design students from Cardiff and Vale College have been commissioned by Taff Housing to create artwork to decorate the hoarding on refurbishment of housing on a key gateway into Cardiff's City Centre.

The hoarding is located on Tudor Street in the Riverside area of the city, and surrounds a refurbishment project of 29 homes that the housing association is carrying out. 

The artworks were unveiled last week by Cardiff Council Cabinet Member for Housing and Communities Councillor Lyda Thorne as well as Taff housing Chief Executive Helen White.

Helen said:

“We are really impressed with the quality of the artwork produced by the students and thrilled we’ve been able display their work on this key gateway into the city.

“We challenged the students to design artwork reflecting the topics of diversity, community and unity, with each piece presenting a unique take on this theme. Once the refurbishment works are completed, we hope to find new permanent homes for each piece.”

The project took the form of a live brief. Cardiff and Vale College live briefs involve learners being authorised to work for external clients, aiming to give them the opportunity to test and validate their skills in a real working environment while boosting their employability skills.

                                       Cardiff and Vale College - Credit: CAVC

Clerk of Works and Technical Advisor at Taff Housing, Stephen Marsh said:

"Using art is proving a great way to promote our values and what is important to us as an association. Working with the students at CAVC, we have had a chance to see how young people view the world, and how they express important social issues. While also making the site hoarding of our Tudor Street refurbishment a fun and creative project."

Level 3 Art and Design learner, Pippa Lane said: 

“I enjoyed the Taff Housing project as it was a really good opportunity for me to get experience in the art industry and work with professional clients. I am over the moon that I was offered the opportunity to have my artwork displayed in a public space - I hope when people walk past it will brighten their day.”

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