16 Jan

A small group of rowers from Cardiff are currently taking on the huge challenge of rowing the distance from Cardiff to Ghana in order to raise funds for the Mati Montessori School in the country's capital city, Accra.

The total distance of the row is 5113k, which the team aim to complete within the space of 12 weeks, battling through the blisters, sweat and tears in the knowledge that it will absolutely be worth every stroke for the underprivileged children and families.

The rowers now have two weeks to go, and over 750 kilometres to cover. They started much of the distance along the River Taff, however due to the substantial amounts of flooding last week, they're limited to what feels like endless hours of gruelling work on the ergs in the gym.

Accra's Mati Montessori School was created in 2018, by local builder Kofi. Since being the first generation of his family supported through education, Kofi wanted to give something back. The school now has over 200 pupils enrolled, over 160 more than at the time of its opening.

In Ghana, families who have the money to do so pay a contribution towards their child's education. Although, some families cannot afford this cost, which is entirely covered by donations and charity fundraisers such as the rowing group.

The school is in desperate need of funds to finish building additional classrooms to house the forever growing number of pupils, pay the hardworking staff, and provide hot meals, resources and education to the children

A video explaining the fantastic challenge - Credit: Josie Quartermaine

The group told The Cardiff News: 

"It has been challenging, particularly with the flooding and water levels meaning we have been restricted to the ergs for the past few weeks, however we are working together as a crew and the children and the opportunities we hope to provide from donations are our motivation.

"We are in the final stages with less than 700km to go and can’t wait to put smiles on faces.”

Your donations would make an incredible difference to the children, their families and the future generations of Ghana.

As a guide, here are some examples as to what can be purchased using your donations:

  • £20 can buy 100 building blocks for the unfinished classroom construction
  • £20 will pay for a teacher's wage for 1 week
  • £25 will provide school and textbooks for a child for 1 year of their education
  • £30 can pay for 100 hot nutritious meals for the children
  • £80 will feed every child at the school for one day
  • £275 will fund a child's education, including their resources for 1 school year

Credit: Josie Quartermaine

The group also said:

"Within the discipline of rowing, we train our bodies to get comfortable with suffering. We want to do our bit for humanity with the resilience we have been fortunate enough to learn. 

"Help us work together to help these children and their families access education and the opportunities that follow. A little kindness goes a long way."

To make a donation, please visit the groups Crowdfunder page - HERE

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