09 Nov

Wales' national observance of Remembrance Sunday, which is jointly hosted by Cardiff Council, the Welsh Government and in partnership with The Royal British Legion, is taking place in Cardiff this weekend on 12th November.

Detachments from the Royal Navy, Army, Royal Air Force, Merchant Navy and Cadet Forces will march past City Hall and along King Edward VII Avenue to Alexandra Gardens, where they will arrive by 10:40am and form up around the Welsh National War Memorial.

Those detachments will be joined by columns of ex-Servicemen and women, alongside civilians representing organisations connected with current and past conflicts.

A selection of music will be played by the Canton Salvation Army Band from until shortly before 11am, when the service will begin with bidding and words of scripture given by Reverend Canon Stewart Lisk.

During this, singing will be lead by The Cardiff Military Wives Choir and the Cardiff Arms Park Male Voice Choir.

At 10:59am a bugler from will sound the 'Last Post', followed at 11am by a gun of the 104 Regiment Royal Artillery, Newport who will be firing to mark the start of the two minutes' silence.

Huw Thomas, Leader of Cardiff Council, said:

"In coming together as a capital city and as a nation for our annual service of remembrance, we honour the memories of those who gave their lives in service to their country and to stand in solidarity with all those affected by the relentless realities of war and conflict to this day."

Detachments at last year's remembrance service - Credit: Cardiff Council

Councillor Thomas continued:

"The ongoing conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East are powerful and tragic reminders of the human cost of war. May our gathering in remembrance serve as a solemn reminder of that enduring cost of conflict and mark the unyielding search for peace for all."

Mark Drakeford, First Minister of Wales, explained:

"The Welsh National Service of Remembrance provides us with an opportunity to honour the selfless contribution made by all those who have lost their lives in conflicts past and present. This year's service is as relevant and poignant as ever, as the escalation of violence in Israel and Gaza, the continuing war in Ukraine, and other conflicts continue."

To conclude the ceremony, the National Anthems of Wales and of Great Britain will be played, with participants and guests then gathering in front of City Hall to witness the March Past and Salute taken by HM Lord-Lieutenant, alongside The Lord Mayor of Cardiff, Bablin Molik.

Members of the public may wish to lay wreaths at the National Memorial following the event.

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