17 Aug

Cardiff's much-loved Riverside Farmers Market is to mark its 25th anniversary on September 10th, when it will will celebrate a quarter-century of connecting local farmers, producers and artisans to the wider Welsh capital community.

The award-winning market runs on a weekly basis on Fitzhammon Embankment opposite the Principality Stadium, and has in its years been recognised as one of the best food attractions in the city of Cardiff for both local residents and visitors alike.

Since its establishment in 1988, the Riverside Market has become one of the best-known farmers' markets in the whole of the UK, all down to its symbol of good food, sustainability, supporting local producers and offering a diverse array of high-quality products, alongside its outstanding community-feel.

It has quickly served as a platform for local producers, farmers and artisans to showcase their goods, while providing residents of Cardiff and beyond with access to the freshest produce and locally made food.

As a not-for-profit social enterprise, the market keeps costs as low as possible, helping the traders to build their businesses profitably, and supporting them behind the scenes to develop their exciting brands.

In fact, many traders who have used the market in the past have eventually gone on to run successful bricks and mortar businesses.

One of these individuals is Deri Reed, who between 2010 and 2012 had a stall at Riverside Market named The Ethical Chef.

The experiences Deri developed when trading in Riverside then allowed him to open his now well-established and award-winning restaurant, The Warren in Carmarthen.

Deri Reed, founder of successful restaurant The Warren, based in Carmarthen 

Deri explained:

"The time I spent trading at Riverside was incredibly magical for me. It gave me an opportunity to meet my customers, test my ideas and have access to the best produce Wales has to offer - and I have been buying produce from some of them ever since."

Riverside Farmers Market's triumph has also paved the way for two more weekly markets in the city.

Operating under the broader name of Cardiff Farmers Marketsthe organisers behind Riverside also run Rhiwbina Farmers Market (every Friday), and Roath Farmers Market (every Saturday).

Cardiff Metropolitan University students can also connect with local food via regular pop-up markets on campus, of which they also organise.

Carol Adams, General Manager at Cardiff Farmers Market, said:

"The 25th anniversary of Riverside Farmers Market is a testament to the power of community support, and the enduring value of locally sourced, sustainable food. We are immensely grateful to all the vendors, shoppers, volunteers, and partners who have contributed to the market's success and enriched the lives of everyone involved."

Local resident Steve Garrett, who originally founded Riverside Market from his experiences running an organic vegetable stall in Canada, said:

"Although I'm no longer directly involved with the running of the markets, it's brilliant to see them thriving and growing. They make it possible for more people in Cardiff to enjoy the best of Welsh food, and more local producers to make a living doing what they love - and contributing to a strong and sustainable Welsh economy."

Steve Garrett, founder of Riverside Market

As well as being the source of high-quality goods to the people of Cardiff, the market has also long been a hub of community activity, including cooking demonstrations and live music performances.

To celebrate the special anniversary, Riverside Farmers Market will be making some special additions to the market on Sunday, 10th September, such as:

  • 10:00 - 10:30 - Live music from Cardiff Farmers Market board member Harriet Kennerly.
  • 10:30 - 11:15 - A sourdough bread demo from regular trader Pettigrew Bakeries.
  • 11:30 - 12:00 - Live music from local singer Julie Gordon supported by saxophone player Christine Heath and founder Steve Garrett.
  • 12:00 - 13:00 - Tutored chocolate tasting with new market trader Vicolei Sei.

David Moisan, current chair of RMCA Markets Volunteer Board, mentioned:

"We want to invite everyone, from long-time supporters to first-time visitors, to join in with our 25th-anniversary festivities. This landmark occasion is a perfect opportunity to celebrate the positive impact that local producers and foodie artisans have had on the city."

For all the latest updates on the Riverside celebrations and to learn more about other weekly markets in Cardiff, head to cardifffarmersmarkets.org.uk 

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